Jared Able
Visiting Lecturer, Mathematics
- jable@iu.edu
- (812) 855-0874
- Rawles Hall 439
Research Interests
Low-Dimensional Topology, Knot Theory
Visiting Lecturer, Mathematics
Research Interests
Low-Dimensional Topology, Knot Theory
Lecturer, Mathematics
Director, Math Learning Center
Website : https://sites.google.com/iu.edu/sanjanaagarwal
Research Interests
Algebraic K-Theory, Trace Methods, Stable Homotopy Theory, Polyhedral Products, Configuration Space of Graphs.
Professor, Mathematics
Ph.D., Harvard University, 2006
Research Interests
Geometry, dynamical systems, and Teichmüller theory
Professor, Mathematics
Research Interests
functional analysis; operator theory; free probability
Research Interests
Mathematical Logic, tame geometry, in particular expansions of the real field by complex subgroups.
Professor, Mathematics
Website: https://mciucu.pages.iu.edu/
Research Interests
combinatorics; statistical physics
Director of General Education Math Modeling
Clinical Associate Professor, Mathematics
Research Interests
Scholarship of teaching and Learning (SoTL)
Professor, Mathematics
Website: https://connell.pages.iu.edu/
Research Interests
differential geometry; geometric aspects of ergodic theory and random walks
Professor, Mathematics
Website: https://jfdmath.sitehost.iu.edu
Research Interests
algebraic topology; geometric topology; surgery theory
Professor, Mathematics
Website: https://demeterc.pages.iu.edu/
Research Interests
harmonic analysis; ergodic theory
Rothrock Senior Lecturer, Mathematics
Research Interests
Potential Theory, Harmonic Analysis, Singular Integrals, Calder\'on-Zygmund theory, One-dimensional Complex Analysis, Approximation Theory, Real Analysis.
Associate Professor, Mathematics
Website: https://sites.google.com/site/louisfanmath/
Research Interests
Probability theory and its applications; Interacting particle systems; Stochastic partial differential equations; Mathematical biology; Phylogenetic reconstruction
Zorn Postdoctoral Fellow
Website : https://cfelder.pages.iu.edu/
Research Interests
functional analysis, complex analysis, operator theory
Professor, Mathematics
Research Interests
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, Geodesic Flows and Horocycle Foliations
Adjunct Professor, Mathematics
Website: http://homes.sice.indiana.edu/ehaghver/
Research Interests
category theory; mathematical logic; theoretical computer science
Lecturer, Mathematics
Research Interests
Algebraic Topology
Associate Professor, Mathematics
Research Interests
Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Biology, Mathematical Psychology, PDEs, Dynamical Systems, Stochastic Dynamical Systems, Bayesian Modeling, Scientific Machine Learning
Professor, Mathematics
Website: https://www.elizabethhousworth.com
Research Interests
probability and mathematical biology; statistical genetics; phylogenetics
Lecturer, Mathematics
Research Interests
Representation Theory of Lie Algebras, Lie Superalgebras and Algebraic Groups; Discrete and Algebraic Methods in Mathematical Biology
Professor, Mathematics
Research Interests
dissipative differential equations; turbulence; data assimilation
Professor, Mathematics
pronouns : (he/him/his)
Website: https://cjudge.pages.iu.edu/
Research Interests
analysis, geometry, and topology
Professor, Mathematics
Website: https://pkirk.pages.iu.edu/
Research Interests
geometric topology; gauge theory; symplectic topology
Distinguished Professor, Mathematics
Research Interests
algebraic number theory; algebraic geometry; algebraic K-theory; algebraic groups; algebraic combinatorics
Professor, Mathematics
Director of Undergraduate Studies, Mathematics
Website: https://nqle.pages.iu.edu/
Research Interests
partial differential equations; geometric analysis and the calculus of variations
Adjunct Professor, Mathematics
Professor, Computer Science
Website: https://legacy.cs.indiana.edu/~leivant/
Research Interests
program verification; foundations of programming languages; proof theory; computational complexity; constructive mathematics
Professor, Mathematics
Research Interests
pluripotential theory; approximation theory
Associate Professor, Mathematics
Website: https://mlibine.pages.iu.edu/
Research Interests
representation theory; symplectic geometry; equivariant forms and equivariant cohomology; quaternionic analysis
Professor, Mathematics
Website: https://alindens.pages.iu.edu/
Research Interests
algebraic topology; algebraic K-theory; cyclic homology
Zorn Postdoctoral Fellow
Research Interests
Algebra, Geometry
Zorn Postdoctoral Fellow
Website: https://mmlondhe.pages.iu.edu/
Research Interests
Holomorphic Dynamics, Several Complex Variables (SCV)
Professor, Mathematics
Research Interests
James H. Rudy Professor, Mathematics
Website: https://rdlyons.pages.iu.edu/
Research Interests
probability theory on graphs; geometric group theory; combinatorics; statistical mechanics; ergodic theory; harmonic analysis
Professor, Mathematics
Website: https://mmandell.pages.iu.edu/
Research Interests
homotopy theory; stable homotopy theory; algebraic K-theory
Research Interests
Algebraic Combinatorics
Professor, Mathematics
Associate Chair, Mathematics
Website: https://iulg.sitehost.iu.edu/moss/
Research Interests
applied logic; coalgebra; natural logic; epistemic logic
Professor, Mathematics
Research Interests
geometric topology; algebraic topology; homological algebra
Adjunct Professor, Mathematics
Professor, Physics
Website: https://ortizg.pages.iu.edu/
Research Interests
condensed matter physics
Professor, Mathematics
Website: https://pilgrim.pages.iu.edu/
Research Interests
conformal and holomorphic dynamics; Teichmüller theory; hyperbolic geometry
Charlotte Ann Griffin Associate Professor, Mathematics
Personal website : https://sites.google.com/view/juliaplavnik/home
Research Interests
Category Theory; homological algebra
Associate Professor, Mathematics
Research Interests
problems related to noncommutative geometry and its relation with other fields such as differential geometry; algebraic geometry; representation theory
Adjunct Professor, Mathematics
Website: https://t3.technion.ac.il/researcher/rubinstein-jacob/
Research Interests
continuum mechanics; optics; vision; differential equations; mathematical modeling
Zorn Postdoctoral Fellow
Personal website: https://sites.google.com/view/dryou/home
Associate Professor, Mathematics
Research Interests
geometry and topology of Riemannian manifolds; manifolds with nonnegative curvature
Director of Graduate Studies, Mathematics
Professor, Mathematics
Research Interests
low-dimensional topology; tensor categories; subfactors; quantum groups; topological field theories
Professor, Mathematics
Website: https://sternber.pages.iu.edu/
Research Interests
Calculus of variations, partial differential equations, singular perturbations, continuum mechanics
Professor, Mathematics
Website: https://mstrauch.pages.iu.edu/
Research Interests
number theory; representation theory; rigid analytic geometry; algebraic geometry; topology
College Professor, Mathematics
Distinguished Professor, Mathematics
Website: https://temam.pages.iu.edu/
Research Interests
nonlinear partial differential equations; Navier-Stokes equations; fluid mechanics; numerical analysis; scientific computing
Professor, Mathematics
Website: https://dpthurst.pages.iu.edu/
Research Interests
geometric and quantum low-dimensional topology and related fields; including Heegaard Floer homology and its extension to 3-manifolds with boundary; rigidity of graphs in space; cluster algebras; geometric intersection numbers for curves on surfaces; finite-type invariants
Visiting Lecturer
Research Interests
Algebraic Geometry
William H. Boucher Professor, Mathematics
Research Interests
topology and its ramifications; low-dimensional topology; quantum topology; knot theory, and their interactions with mathematical physics
Professor, Mathematics
Website: https://fluid.sitehost.iu.edu/
Research Interests
theoretical physics: particles, fields, general relativity, and phase transitions; geophysical fluid dynamics, fluid dynamics; nonlinear PDE, dynamical systems
Professor, Mathematics
Website: https://matweber.pages.iu.edu/IU/Home.html
Research Interests
minimal surfaces; complex differential geometry; Teichmüller theory; hyperbolic geometry
Associate Professor, Mathematics
Research Interests
Assistant Professor, Mathematics
Research Interests
Fourier Analysis; Combinatorics
Lecturer, Mathematics
Research Interests: Probability Theory, Stochastic Process and Mathematical Biology
Zorn Postdoctoral Fellow
Personal website: https://sites.google.com/view/ningchuan-zhang
Research Interests
Algebraic Topology, Number Theory
Adjunct Professor, Mathematics
Associate Professor, Computer Science
Distinguished Professor, Mathematics
Website: https://kzumbrun.pages.iu.edu/
Research Interests
nonlinear analysis of partial differential equations: stability and asymptotic behavior of solutions, applications to continuum mechanics