We educate young people through a number of outreach programs designed to awaken their interest in the mathematical sciences. We have programs designed for K-12 students, as well as research opportunities for undergraduates.
Bloomington Math Circle
We operate the Bloomington Math Circle for area schoolchildren who enjoy mathematics, introducing them to fun math topics not typically taught in elementary and middle schools. We talk about interesting topics in a way that makes the concepts understandable to young people: symbolic logic, modular arithmetic, regular polyhedra, inequalities, the fourth dimension, approximating square roots, and different sizes of infinity. The circle runs for nine weeks each semester and meets one day a week for about an hour.
Science Fest
Our department participates in Science Fest, the annual day of hands-on educational science fun at Indiana University Bloomington.
American Mathematics Competition exams
Research Experiences for Undergraduates
For over four decades, our Mathematics department has offered experiences in Mathematics research to students from all over the country. During the summer, a select group of undergraduates participate in research projects with individual faculty mentors on a wide variety of topics. The National Science Foundation supports the program via a Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) grant.