Pre-Calculus & Trigonometry

Pre-Calculus + Trigonometry course information

Course Information


The course coordinator for M125 and M127 is Chaojie Yuan. His office is in Rawles Hall 425, email, and phone (812) 855-1904. Office hours are by appointment.

Class Information

Click on the appropriate link to see the class schedule or list of suggested math problems. Please note these are the departmental versions. Your instructor may have made slight modifications to the schedule and the problem list.

Course Information


The course coordinator for M125 and M127 is Chaojie Yuan. His office is in Rawles Hall 425, email, and phone (812) 855-1904. Office hours are by appointment.

Class Information

Click on the appropriate link to see the class schedule and other important information. Please note these are the departmental versions. Your instructor may make slight modifications to the schedule and syllabus.