We offer tutoring and support to help you develop your math skills. There are also many learning resources provided on campus to ensure you can succeed in all of your academic pursuits.
Find academic support + tutoringWe offer tutoring and support to help you develop your math skills. There are also many learning resources provided on campus to ensure you can succeed in all of your academic pursuits.
Find academic support + tutoringYou can find courses in most major areas of mathematics represented in our department. We also offer several introductory courses so you can determine if a Math degree is a good fit for you. Nearly all undergraduate students take a mathematics course to fulfill the General Education requirements.
Our award-winning faculty are dedicated teachers with expertise in most areas of mathematical research. We are home to the Indiana University Mathematics Journal and host several conferences, a variety of seminars, and at least two distinguished lecture series each year. Our department also has one of the longest-running Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) programs in the country.