2008 Conference

The 2008 Indiana Undergraduate Research Conference

July 24, 2008


  • 8:30-9:30 - Registration and reception, Rawles Hall Lounge
  • 9:30-10:00 - Opening remarks, Swain East Room 105
    • Professor Jim Davis, Chair, Indiana University
    • Professor Kevin M. Pilgrim, Indiana University
    • Professor Christopher M. Judge, Indiana University
  • 10:00-12:00 - Parallel sessions
    • speakers, titles, and abstracts
    • schedule for all sessions (times and locations)
  • 12:00-1:30 - Lunch at the Tudor Room, Indiana Memorial Union
  • 1:30-3:30 - Parallel sessions
    • speakers, titles, and abstracts
    • schedule for all sessions (times and locations)
  • 3:30-4:00 - Tea, Rawles Hall Lounge
  • 4:00-5:00 - Plenary lecture, Swain Hall East 105
    • Professor Michael Larsen, Indiana University 

      What is an elliptic curve? 
      There are a number of different approaches to the concept of circle: Euclidean geometry, coordinate geometry, trigonometry, group theory, etc. For each of these approaches, there is a corresponding way of understanding elliptic curves, so that historically the concept was discovered several different times from several points of view before people understood that there was one underlying idea.

Hosted by the Department of Mathematics at Indiana University and supported by the National Science Foundation via a Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) grant.