Full StoryAnnie Baugh teaches and coordinates our Math-M 014 College Algebra and Math-M 018 Basic Algebra for Finite Mathematics courses. She received an Open Educational Resource (OER) "Summer Sprint" grant from the IU Libraries and additional support from the Mathematics Department. The OER Summer Sprint Program provide instructors with a stipend, the expertise of librarians and instructional technologists, and the opportunity to learn alongside their peers. Fellows are required to adopt or adapt low-cost course materials. They can use a variety of solutions to do so, including Open Educational Resources (OER), library eBooks and databases, and instructor-created materials. The project addresses several aspects: reducing student cost, adaptability of course material, equity, ease of access to materials, adding remediation tools, and improving student success and achievement. A revised text will also be used in Math-J courses serving the campus' Groups program. Dr. Michael Hill will coordinate our Math-M 119 Brief Survey of Calculus course in the coming academic year. He received a Summer Instructional Development Fellowship (SIDF), which is jointly supported by the College of Arts and Sciences and IU's Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning. The Summer Instructional Development Fellowship (SIDF) program supports faculty members’ efforts to enhance student learning by encouraging innovative approaches to instruction and the development of measurable learning outcomes. The intent of the SIDF is to provide faculty members with compensation during the summer months so they can focus their full attention and energy on the proposed project. In the 2023 funding cycle, the SIDF prioritizes proposals that develop innovative course designs that support student success. The project will develop and incorporate "Just in Time" (JIT) review materials so that precalculus review material is addressed and reinforced throughout the course.