Matt Bainbridge
Associate Professor
- mabainbr@indiana.edu
- (812) 856-3546
Research Interests
Teichmuller theory, rational billiards, and related questions involving ergodic theory; algebraic geometry, and Hilbert modular varieties
Associate Professor
Research Interests
Teichmuller theory, rational billiards, and related questions involving ergodic theory; algebraic geometry, and Hilbert modular varieties
Research Interests
Functional Analysis; Operator Theory; Free Probability
Research Interests
Combinatorics; Statistical Physics
Associate Professor
Research Interests
differential geometry; geometric aspects of ergodic theory and random walks
Research Interests
algebraic topology; geometric topology; surgery theory
Research Interests
harmonic analysis; ergodic theory
Research Interests
rigidity in geometry and dynamics; analytic and geometric group theory; ergodic theory; Lie groups, their discrete subgroups and generalizations
Professor and Chair
Research Interests
probability and mathematical biology; statistical genetics; phylogenetics
Research Interests
dissipative differential equations; turbulence